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We are proud to invite you to the final event of the European FuTour project, of which we are partners, which will be held on Friday 21 June 2024 starting from 10.00 am at the Mondovì Campus – CFPCemon.

It will be an opportunity to explore the innovations and strategies that can shape the future of tourism in our territory starting from sharing with other European partners.

An Event Dedicated to Tourism Innovators

The FuTour conference is an integral part of the project's dissemination activities and is aimed at presenting the results obtained and promoting a constructive dialogue between key players in the local tourism sector.

During the round table in which the following will speak: 

  • the contacts for the Interreg Alcotra ALPIMED CLIMA project of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo and the Polytechnic of Turin
  • Roberto Gosso – president of Cuneo Neve
  • Daniela Salvestrin - ATL Director of the Cuneo area, Alps and Art Cities Project
  • Alice Gallouin – art and technological innovation expert, specialist in animations applied to the promotion of cultural heritage and Academy of Fine Arts of Cuneo teacher
  • Giorgio Proglio – founder and CEO of tabUI APP

The round table and subsequent discussion panel represent a valuable opportunity for stakeholders, professionals and tourism enthusiasts to share ideas, experiences and visions on the future of the sector.

Agenda for the day

10:00 – 10:15 - Registration and welcome coffee
10.15 – 10.30 - Opening ceremony

10.30 – 10.45 - Result 1 Presentation: Training Kit for teachers
10.45 – 11.00 - Result 2 Presentation: FuTour MOOC for students
11:00 – 11:15 - Result 3 Presentation: Matchmaking Platform

11.15 – 12.15 - Round table: "Tourism of the Future – Scenarios, visions and ideas from the sector"

Confindustria Cuneo and Polytechnic of Turin: Cross-border strategy for adaptation to climate change
Daniela Salvestrin - ATL Director of the Cuneo area: Alps and Art Cities project for tourism promotion and local and transnational innovative projects
Alice Gallouin: Expert in art and technological innovation
Giorgio Proglio: Founder and CEO of tabUI APP

12.15 – 1.00 - Panel discussion: Q&A with the public
1.00p – 1.30p - Closing ceremony and buffet

The meeting will be moderated by Gabriele Gallo, journalist

Why participate?

The event is free.

Participating in the FuTour conference means coming into contact with innovators and decision-makers in the local tourism sector and with foreign partners, discovering new technologies, discussing emerging trends and contributing to the construction of a sustainable future for tourism in our area.


Participation is free, but registration is required. Book your place now and join us for a day full of insights and inspiration for the future of tourism.